Dubbed the “Rock And Roll Detective” by his clients, Jim Berkenstadt has spent a lifetime researching, writing and consulting in pop music history. His books on the unreleased recordings of The Beatles (Black Market Beatles) and the making of Nirvana’s seminal album Nevermind (Nirvana: Nevermind – Classic Rock Books) are critically acclaimed.

Berkenstadt, has served as a consultant to The Beatles (Apple Corps Ltd.), George Harrison, The Traveling Wilburys (Dark Horse), the band Garbage, Producer Butch Vig, Barbara Orbison (Mrs. Roy Orbison), Maria Elena Holly (Mrs. Buddy Holly), and many International Record Labels. He is currently the co-star of two pop culture TV series’ on the Reelz Channel: Celebrity Legacies and Celebrity Damage Control.

Currently, Berkenstadt has released a new Best Seller entitled The Beatle Who Vanished, which along with his other books, have been inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Permanent Library and Archives. The new Beatles book (the true story of Beatles deputy drummer Jimmie Nicol, who briefly took over for Ringo Starr before vanishing) contains a Foreword by The Beatles’ ex- bass player, Chas Newby, and is currently under consideration for adaptation to the silver screen.

As founder of Rock And Roll Detective®, Berkenstadt’s firm offers a number of specialized and confidential services to music artists, record labels, music download sites, TV and Film productions, auction houses, and museums.

Author Jim Berkenstadt


Producer/Drummer Butch Vig with Rock And Roll Detective


Jim the RNRD on the Artie Lange show1

Rock And Roll Detective on The Artie Lange Show

Jay, Gary, Becca and Jim at the Klaus Vorrmann book premier

Jay, Gary, Becca, with Rock And Roll Detective at Klaus Voorman Book Premiere

RNRD with Joe Johnson BeatleBrunch Radio

Joe Johnson (BeatleBrunch Radio) with Rock And Roll Detective

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